Pay no attention to the time lag. Todays inspiration is Atiba Seitu, aka Kevin Zeigler. Could two names be more different? like a character in an Elmore Leonard story, he just may be a two personality type dude. He wrote me a letter today, all caps, as precisely drawn as it was written, on stationery he made, stamped, delivered by my united states postal carrier to my door. The man knows what's on his mind and that act communicated volumes, and I hadn't even read the contents yet. He says he's all over the place, he looks right here and right now to me. He wants to do something meaningful, Atiba you just did.
He works at Avalon International Breads. Its a busy place, but Atiba has it organized in a vibrational sort of way. He calls working behind the counter, serving at the Altar. I just loved that. He takes this religion seriously. The zen of making cappucino, serving you this host, accepting your tithe. Just that spirit of purpose and propriety. It just occurred to me he doesn't wait on you, he is waiting for you. Oh yes, I wrote him right back. You are called, it's best to answer.